Student Data & Data Practices

You may access the policies and/or documents in the document container below related to PPRA, FERPA, Directory Information, data protection and data sharing:

a. Model Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) b. Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools c. BP/AR 5125, Student Records d. BP/AR 5125.1, Release of Directory Information e. BP/AR 6163.4, Student Use of Technology

Student Records - Who Has Access


(Ed. Code Section 49063)

You are hereby notified of your rights and responsibilities as a parent/guardian of a child enrolled in Hughson Unified School District. (Ed. Code Section 48980)

Pupil records maintained by the Hughson Unified School District consist of personal identifying information, subjects taken, grades received, standardized test results, attendance record and health record. Pupil records are maintained at each school where the pupil is attending. The school principal or his/her designee is responsible for maintaining each type of pupil record and the information contained therein.

Parents/Guardians have a right to review and challenge the contents of their child's records. (Ed. Code Sections 49069-49070)

How to Access

Access for legitimate educational interest: Parents, legal guardians, or students at least 16 years old who have completed the 10th grade may look at or obtain copies of requested records by visiting the student's school site.

You will be required to provide identification verifying your relationship with the student. You will be asked to fill out and sign a short form before being given access to records.

While looking at a student's files please note items you wish to copy. You may be charged a small fee for each copy.

See complete Board Policy and Administrative Regulation Student Records (BP/AR 5125) below for fully policy language.