Adriana Azevedo
Adriana Azevedo

August 26, 2024

Name: Adriana Azevedo

Family: Husband, Garrett; sons, Raymond (5), Elias (2) and Dominic (6 months)

School: All sites -- pre-school through high school

Position: District behaviorist

Experience and education: I am a board-certified behavior analyst with a master’s of science in applied behavior analysis. I worked in a private clinic for the last eight years helping children develop skills needed to attend public school, socialize and meet their daily skill needs.

What attracted you to Hughson? As a current resident and mom raising three sons in Hughson, I love how the community is centered on school activities and athletics. 

What most inspires you about what you do? I want students to feel recognized and celebrated for their achievements and good conduct.

What is a challenge you look forward to tackling this year? I look forward to taking what I have learned through schooling and training and teach those around me how to easily implement these methods in order to foster positive behavior change within the students.

What is your favorite teaching tool or activity? I enjoy teaching how to implement positive reinforcement and reward systems in place of the conventional disciplinary methods. 

What do you want your students to remember? No matter our individual likes and dislikes, we should always treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

How can parents support what you do? Parents can support me by understanding that positive behavioral change occurs with consistency and time and to not feel discouraged.

What would surprise people about your job? People may be surprised that my role includes guiding young children as early as preschool age in playing and engaging with their peers, extending all the way to high school students who are continuing to learn to remain focused while disregarding distractions.

What do you do for fun? I enjoy snuggling up with my family watching movies, playing games, gardening, going for walks, and drinking my coffee nice and slow in the morning.