After School Program

ASP Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will again be conducted by lottery this year. Families will be able to access the forms online or they may pick them up at school offices or at the district office starting on Monday, March 4, 2024.

2024-25 After School Program Info

After School Program enrollment forms for the 2024-2025 school year are now available. Hard copies will also be available in school offices and at the District Office, for families who are unable to print. Enrollment Packets for each site are available to the left of this page. Enrollment drop off day for all sites is Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at the Ross Middle School Gym from 12:00 – 5:00 pm. ENROLLMENT WILL NOT BE COLLECTED BEFORE THAT DAY.

Please note:

  • Enrollment forms must be completely filled out before drop off.

  • Families may designate any drop-off person they choose.

  • Each family will be given a lottery ticket to keep with a number on it.

  • Packets will be collected and sorted by family and lottery ticket numbers will be written on each packet.

  • Lottery numbers will be entered into a randomizer, which will select families randomly to fill available spots.

  • The After School Program will announce (through district email) the lottery numbers/families that were chosen. These notifications will be made the week of APRIL 8, 2024, to ensure we have the latest information about the opening of the 2023-2024 school year, as this impacts program slots and operations.

  • Families interested in the Before School Program (Grades TK-5 only) may indicate so on their enrollment form. You will be contacted in the summer to confirm your child(s) enrollment.

  • This is for ASES/free program only. Families interested in the FEE PROGRAM for After School may contact ASP offices beginning Monday, April 8, 2024 to sign up.

For more information please contact:

Julie Massone (HES Site Coordinator) or call 209-277-7745 or 209-448-1181

Grace Puga (FES Site Coordinator) or call 209-648-3163

Nadia Castaneda (RMS Site Coordinator) or call 209-648-3163

Janet Oliver (Director of ASP)

After School Program Staff
    Hughson After School Program

    A Comprehensive After School Program for Students Grades K – 8.

    The mission of the HUSD After School Program (ASP) is to provide a safe, nurturing, academically-enriching and productive after school learning environment which will empower students to become outstanding achievers and positive citizens.

    Hughson Elementary ASP offers before school and after school programs. Our kindergarten classes do a variety of indoor and outdoor center activities that support and reinforce the instructional school day. For 1 st through 3 rd grades, our program offers an hour of academics where our NCLB qualified Program Leaders provide homework assistance and academic center activities that are content standards-based. Students will have an opportunity to participate in Character Education through the Adventures in Peacemaking and Character Counts Curriculum. Additionally, students will participate in enrichment clubs on a six week rotation such as Star Wars Book Club, Journalism, CSI, Mad Science, Garden, Youth Council and many more! Students also participate in physical activity implemented through the SPARK and Skillastics Curriculums, which teach the students the basic skills necessary for sport and physical development. Students participate in a positive reinforcement program where Program Leaders reward students with “character cash” for exhibiting positive behavior and character. This “cash” is then used to buy fun prizes at the end of every month during our Reward Parties.

    Fox Road ASP and Ross ASP, offer an academic hour where students participate in either homework support provided by NCLB qualified Program Leaders or tutorial classes focusing on reinforcement of Math and Language skills learned during the school day. Tutorial is provided by Credentialed Regular Day Teachers. Students also have an option to participate in Academic Centers that are content standards based. The ASP provides students with Character Education through the use of the Every Monday Matters and Character Counts Curriculum. The ASP offers six week enrichment club rotations such as Journalism, Youth Council, CSI, Gardening, Photography and many more! Students also have an opportunity to participate in physical activity through the use of SPARK or Skillastics curriculum which teaches teambuilding as well as the skills necessary for sport and physical development. Students participate in a positive reinforcement program where Program Leaders reward students with “ASP Loot” for exhibiting positive behavior and character. “ASP Loot” is used to “pay” their way into special events or purchase items at the "Character Store."